The Chess Doctor Is In:
The Etiquette of Eating While Playing

This week’s question may not be especially relevant at the moment (with tournaments shut down), but it is still worth considering:

What are your thoughts on food consumption during tournament games?

A very interesting question indeed, and a situation that anyone who plays tournaments or even club matches will certainly encounter. There are so many possible scenarios within the topic of food during play!

To start, I personally do not think that consumption of food at the board is an especially correct move, and at its worst can be downright offensive. Of course with your opponent to move it can only be distracting, and anyone would be within their rights to ask you to stop. It is debatable whether or not you should be allowed to snack during your move, but even if this is allowed I think that can only take away from your concentration and thus I suggest a different solution.

For me I generally load up on food before the game, so that I will have no need for further nourishment during the battle. As you may know from this article, I prefer to sip on some juice during lengthy games, which tends to be less distracting than chowing down on a hamburger (which I have actually seen before at a tournament past). Having said that, if you just have to have nourishment in the form of food during the game here is my suggestion:

For me in the past I have taken food into the tournament hall in case I need it, but I rarely do. I would suggest not taking large portions/junk food to help you along. Often this will make you slow and sluggish, and in general will not help your chess in any way.

I would suggest either taking some kind of fruit into the game or some kind of meat depending on what works for you. I can certainly see a burst of natural sugars giving you that extra boost, but for me some sort of meat (in my case beef jerky) has been the best option for a during the game snack (though this is admittedly hard to eat with braces). In any event, you should find which option works best for you and then implement it.

And finally, it is worth mentioning my thoughts on the etiquette of food consumption during the game. As I have mentioned eating at the board can only be distracting, so I would suggest taking a short stroll with food in tow, have a bite or two and come back to the board. With this method you not only get nourishment through the food, but often taking a walk around the tournament hall can help clear your mind very neatly.

As always I hope that my thoughts are helpful. Please keep the questions coming – just click the button below.


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